Monday, March 3, 2014

Day 8!

My goal is not only to complete this blog challenge but to be honest about it. Thus, to be honest, today was not a very good day.

I think students forget that teachers are human beings with very real human feelings.

My second period class has a very rough core group. In general, we don't much get along, but they usually get the material and do the work because they want the grade and if they do the task and participate as requested I do not have any need to ride their tail feathers. On good days, several members of the class can border on insightful. Today was not one of those days. When one boy is very vocally off, he can usually drag one of his other buddies in directly and today it was 4 of them. The rampant district really wore on me and not because what they said was hurtful (even though it was). I know they want to hurt me and blame me for challenging them to succeed - this is not a new thing, though they have not been so directly rude as a group before. What bothered me was the 5 (and even 6, the at times touchy girl working hard today), students trying to learn about figuritive language an really putting in effort to analysis on a high level. I was so proud of them and yet it was so hard for them to share answers and ask questions because of these other boys. I refused to kick them out (it was what they wanted), but I went round and round to the hard workers, telling them good job and checking in often and saying I knew they were working hard. It's just so much harder for them than it should be and I'm so not okay with that.

That made it hard to really enjoy things or be productive after school. I might have watched like 4 episodes in a row of Ultimate Survival Alaska. And by might have, I mean I totally did.

I wanted my day to end on as high a note as possible so I used my awesome closet elliptical (best free find EVER - my dad rocks!), showered, and am now readying to do some school reading before bed.

One thing that made me smile today, though?

My mum gave me this sleep lotion and I've begun to use it nightly.

The Bath and Body Works aromatherapy line has such calming scents. I want to take care of all parts of me, so I'm trying to use more lotion. This helps relieve stress and I'm hoping it'll let me have a good night's sleep because god I can't believe it's only Monday!

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