Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Day 30!

I went to bed last night with a bit of nausea that I thought was stress...woke up this morning and Hello, Stomach Flu! It's been going around and I knew, new school, it'd get me sooner or later.

I hate calling out sick. I want to help my students and while some subs are really good, others are...not so much. At least we've been working, at various stages, on projects for everything, so hopefully they were still productive. *prays I had a good sub* It was mid-point, so it wasn't too much new material; they could work with what they knew. Here's hoping.

I spent most of the day wrapped in blankets in bed or on my lounge, incapable of much. The bright point of a gods-strike-me-down-my-body-is-rebelling sick day?

Ginger Ale and a guilt free binge of Castle (from the beginning, finally caved).

I got a little work done tonight, but it was a whole lot of rest and drink fluids.

It also provided time to think. While the worst thing, I believe, a student can tell his or her teacher is "you don't care," how can we as teachers make it clear we do? I have plans to check in one-on-one with all my borderline and failing students tomorrow and Thursday. I want them to see that I want to help and I do want them to pass. Then, ball's back in their court. Any teachers have ideas for ways they show students they care about the student's grades?

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