Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day 10!

One of the best things about teaching high school is getting to work with high school students. Despite the drama and penchant to believe the earth revolves around them...teenagers can be some of the funniest kids on the planet.

Today was one of those days I was reminded of that.

Yes, there were a few issues with a few kids who can really cross the line, but overall the day was full of quite a bit of energy. As carnival rushes to it's height tomorrow, the students are abuzz with stories and passion. Part of what makes my grade level touchy and nuts is their undauntable competitive drive. Breathe the word competition or debate around them. I dare you. Yet, this very same craze is what has allowed me to talk to so many students from encouraging them to demolish the freshmen in volleyball (sorry, it's just life that freshmen lose these things and it's their fault for saying they'd beat the juniors...they were dismally wiped across the gym floor) to popping in to observe the poster making. These non academic moments let you see kids as they are and it's usually very, very fun.

Another thing that really brightened my day was my credit recovery, adult ed class. It's a three hour, weekly night class with a group of students who failed the first semester. While all the students are in the same academic class during the school day, our night class dynamic is SO different. We're relaxed, tossing back stories, taking time to dig in the text, and just kind of work our way through a topic they seem to like. Even though I'm tired, I really like teaching this class, just like I liked summer school.

My favorite moment?

Commemorated by this photo.

"Miss, how do you keep all the books straight?! I read ours for class and then this one and I just keep forgetting the other one! And you've got another book!"

The answer is two part. I'm actually teaching 5 books at once (two are at school and not pictured) and I'm human so I DO mix them up! Mostly the flipping character names, but within the same novel. Seriously, who names a character Lenina and then introduces a Linda?! Seriously, WHO?!

I then held my book up sideways and actually responded with, well I'm lucky to have read a few of them many times and, "Why do you think my books look like this?"

Nothing makes me happier than stealing a successful chuckle out of a classroom that's not from nearly taking myself out with the projector cables!

I am in a mood to agree that laughter has healing properties, though it did nothing to make me not exhausted!

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