Friday, March 7, 2014

Day 11!

I meant to post this last night but I ended up going to sleep and forgetting until I woke up this morning. I was very tired at the end of yesterday, but that was not a bad thing.

Yesterday was the big carnival day. Classes absolutely flew by and the excitement was palpable in the school. The school spirit and passion for events like this is one of the best things about rural schools. A school of a few hundred takes things over the top whereas all the 1000+ schools I have been in just didn't get into it.

I obviously love sports and such, so I find these carnival days a lot of fun. Teachers judged a myriad of events and students have it their all to win points for their team.

One thing I have had fun doing is all the themed dress up days. 80's neon and high, high ponytail for the win!

It was a busy day, but you need days like that where kids can just have fun as well as learn. School and community pride are undervalued sometimes and I think events like this are both beneficial and an absolute blast.


  1. Love the neon! Bright and happy colors are necessary this winter!!

    1. Absolutely! It's so cold and miserable. I just want it to stop being below zero every day I drive to work.
