Sunday, March 16, 2014

Day 21!

I attempted to cook up a St. Paddy's Day  roast and ran into a new problem. It failed. Miserably.

Evidently, I either chose a bad brand that doesn't like being cooked in the crock pot (not that I had options, mind you, the sticks have what the sticks have), or it simply wasn't satisfied with 4 1/2 hours on high in the crock pot.

I mostly bake well and don't cook too fancy for the most part. I have been doing a lot of experimenting and things have always gone well. It was a disappointment to actually not cook something right, especially a traditional food I will be expected to cook annually.

I will be cooking it further and see if it was merely the timing and the longer it's been since the disaster the more I'm giggling over it. They always say the first years on your own this stuff happens and now I'm going through it.

I had to suck it up and deal with it like a mature adult. Which is to say:

I went out and bough How to Train Your Dragon Mac and Cheese with the rest of my groceries.

I don't eat much dairy and the last time I had pasta was over a month ago, but the box made me laugh and I had nothing else really defrosted to cook.

It reminds me of what I say when I cook for friends/family: if I screw it up, the pizza's on me. I'd just never screwed it up before!

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