Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Day 45!

Today had it's challenges.

The morning was pretty good and productive. It was quite busy, but the work was being done. I was pretty happy until last period.

Crickets chirped in response to my questions expect for a tiny handful of students.

To obvious questions.

That told me one thing: they hadn't done the reading of the book they all chose.

I do not believe in lecturing on the novel. You need to read and think. I base much of my teaching on discussion questions and inquisition. It was very hard to have to just stop and tell them to sit and read. I am more disappointed than anything.

My bright spot was my mentor meeting.

As a teacher, I really value working with and getting advice from other teachers.

My mentor is really helpful and supportive. She told me, students have said that they never read because the teacher tells them everything they need to know; I don't do that. They should know we were able to talk strategy and the like.

I hope to get even more out of a 6-12 English teacher meeting tomorrow. It should be an interesting meeting, to say the least, on standards.

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