Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Day 38!

As a teacher, seeing students learn makes me happy. I have a unique mix of students in my credit recovery night course, but I enjoy working with them and our conversations.

Tonight we had two difficult concepts: American Bureaucracy and satiric writing. And you know what?

They made the connection: satirization of military corruption in bureaucracy!

Some explanations are still weak and it's new, but they're noticing how the themes we've been studying are related to Heller's purpose. It's fun!

My other favorite part of today? A quote: "Um, miss? Can I write two essays? I just can't pick and want to do one blaming each of them."
"Uh, sure, I guess so...but if you do that, you can make them shorter."
"Oh, yeah, no, not much, but thanks."

I am anticipating the full ignorance of the page limit by EVERY single student in that class. First the "Is 5 pages really the limit? Like, will you not read it if we go over?" I conceded to make sure it doesn't reach over ten and they still looked skeptical. What have I done?

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