Friday, April 4, 2014

Day 39!

Not only did this cool cat nail ALL of her grading out, she also laid out base plans/dates for all classes for the rest of the year. What started out as a borderline panic attack because of the rapidly approaching end of the school year turned into a veritable flood of productivity.

My beautiful calendars and two upcoming texts (for most of my students).

I'm super, super happy about all this. My Much Ado Unit Packet is nearly sorted and I have a solid unit overview for Gatsby. I have final and other major assessments for both sorted.

What is happening to me? I'll take it daily for a while?

Classes also seemed to be productive today and I am hopeful to see a lot of improvement in their essays at the due date next week.

I had my first interview today as well (I'm open and undecided about my future so I figured, what the hell?) and I think it went good. I have no idea, but it was an enjoyable chat that boosted me up a bit.

It was nice to have a day that was just that thoroughly good.

This beautiful view on the way to work helped start me out in the right frame of mind.

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