Yesterday's snow became evil solid ice mountains of doom! The fallen snow-ice could be broken but the deposit of the Evil Snow Movers (plows) were SOLID and twice as deep. My driveway's plow guy also plowed crooked; I believe to shift Snow Everest further into the backyard. His ventures, though of noble intent, made it impossible to get to my front wheel or make a u-turn escape route. It'd been nearly half an hour and I had barely made progress.
I called in back-up.
Aka. The math teacher drove down the road to give me a ride to work.
I was hoping the sun would show or that we'd get the promised rain and warm temps. Nope. Stayed cold and the snow stayed mostly solid ice.
Whilst settling back into my apt, someone shifted the mini ice range behind my car to not behind my car. Many thanks to Mysterious Helpful Plow. Perhaps he has relations to Mysterious Helpful Snowblower? In any case, I still had mountains to conquer. My giant ice pick and I took out some aggressions - I still have all my toes, I'm shocked, too - and the shovel survived the second venture after nearly succumbing in the morning.
My driveway's new addition: Snow K2! Snow Everest's got about 4 feet on Snow K2. Regardless, I'm proud of the creation! Haha
Now for some needed rest. Gosh that was exhausting!