Sunday, March 23, 2014

Day 28!

I have a weird relationship with Sundays. On one hand, I get to sleep in and have time to do errands and finish laundry. On the other hand, I have to work tomorrow and that means worrying about what I have done vs what I have left to do, etc.

Today's Sunday is an especially valuable commodity because next week we begin Saturday school.

Yep, you read it correctly: Saturday school. We have 3 snow days that are a "must" make up for senior graduation. Thankfully they're spread out and only half days, but a six day week is still going to be long.

To enjoy my Sunday I decided on some Zumba and managed to find my TV's hiding second HDMI port!


Me, post 45 minute Zumba class on the Wii. I have the Zumba core game and am excited to buy more soon. I am always surprised by how many of the songs I know and how many of the moves are familiar. The disc is put out by Zumba and Zumba instructors get CDs of music and trained on routines through workshops, so it's actually really accurate. The waistband for the wiimote is a bit odd to get used to, but once you do, it's easy to forget.

I am now energized and hopefully ready to conquer whatever I find I have left to do!

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