Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Day 16: 21 Day Fix - A Boot in Your Ass, it's the American Way

Hey all -

First off, I'm sorry I haven't posted in a few days. One note is, I had a day 12 update written that failed on the upload. The rest of the days are entirely my b.

I'm working towards not making excuses since the answer is really I fucked up and the why isn't really important so long as I learn and keep going. These next five days are going to be the best days possible and I'm going to finish strong.

How? I've been saying I'll be strong for the whole thing and I've hit obstacles I created. How am I going to avoid them now?

Spending today at home resulted in my brother putting a boot up my ass and my mum being usefully on me about everything I need done in my flailing adult life. It was oddly painful and inspirational as being called out often is.

In my defense, I brought Autumn's DVDs home. My brother also being home inspired me to follow through and bust out some woodcutters!

My fitness has been more consistent than my nutrition the past few days And I learned the following things:
- I genuinely like working out, though I succeed most when it's scheduled
- I feel more awake after the DVDs and that's motivating
- Eating healthy has a much bigger effect on my weight and size (I think)
- Since my focus has been improvingmg eating, by deviating several times these missing days I discovered man do I feel awful when I eat poorly
- I suck at sleep and it's actually super important for weight loss (7 hour goal?!?!)

My new goals:
- plan, shop, and prep for the rest of 21 day fix
- sleep 7-8 hours a night

My first official day of work is tomorrow so fingers are crossed for a good start to the year!

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